

Clean Port & Logistics (CPL)

Logo von: Clean Port

Status: In Umsetzung
Business Maritime Wirtschaft Mobilität/Logistik

Promoter: Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA)

Installation: 01.03.2023

Address: Container Terminal Tollerort

The innovation cluster aims to develop solutions to bring hydrogen-powered heavy goods vehicles and terminal equipment to market quickly and to put in place the measures necessary for their use. The concepts developed for operation, safety, repair, maintenance, refuelling and supply are tested and optimised in practical operation. In addition to theoretical investigations, the cluster carries out tests and develops training concepts.

Members of the CPL innovation cluster are interested companies that are concerned with the decarbonisation of port handling operations and heavy goods transport. These include manufacturers and users of equipment (trucks, port handling equipment, filling stations, etc.), suppliers of hydrogen and other fossil-free fuels, agencies responsible for logistical infrastructure (e.g. port authorities), consultancies, certification companies and other service providers, as well as scientific partners. Current members of the cluster include companies from Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Estonia and the USA.  Their collaboration in CPL will help them decarbonise their processes and make meaningful, climate-friendly investments as they collect the necessary information and practical experience. Participation is open to all interested companies, who can still join the cluster even after the kick-off event.

The heart of the CPL innovation cluster is a test centre at HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort in Hamburg, where hydrogen-powered equipment can be tested on actual port handling operations and heavy goods transport. Participants can network with each other in the test environment. The first equipment delivery is scheduled for early 2023. The equipment classes planned for the test environment are straddle carriers, empty container stackers, forklifts, reach stackers, terminal tractor units and trucks. The test area is also open to testing of additional equipment classes and facilities during terminal operations.

The cluster is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure as part of a national innovation programme for hydrogen and fuel cell technology. The funding guidelines are coordinated by NOW GmbH and implemented by Projektträger Jülich (PTJ).

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