
Hamburg Offshore Wind Conference (HOW) 2023 Germany’s long-standing and most popular offshore wind event

Hamburg Offshore Wind Conference (HOW) 2023

"Offshore Wind in Germany - How 30 GW by 2030 will be a

Game Changer for European Energy Supply"

The German Government has accelerated and increased the further development of offshore wind in Germany. The installation target for offshore wind in 2030 was raised from 20 to 30 GW and 40GW by 2035. Even more interesting, an ambitious installation target was set for the year 2045 at 70 GW.

The 2023 edition of the well established HOW conference invites industry, politics, and stakeholders to discuss how these targets can be achieved. With a panel of prominent industry leaders we intend to gain answers to the following questions:

  • What needs to be done so that the ambitious 70GW target can be met?
  • Which interim targets and ambitions are actually feasible from a technical and supply chain perspective?
  • How will these new targets change the competition in the offshore wind industry and stretch the supply chain in a rapidly developing global and European offshore wind landscape?

Whilst short term target improvements are needed to ensure that there is no delivery gap, the panel will also focus on the long-term plan from 2030 to 2040, and discuss how this significant offshore capacity build-up can be achieved and aligned with all stakeholders over the next decade to achieve maximum investor attractiveness and a cost-effective and efficient development of industry capacities and infrastructure.

  • Greetings and Opening
    • Dr Peter Tschentscher, First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg) (requested)
    • Dr Patrick Graichen, BMWK (requested)
  • Key Notes
    • Marc Becker, Siemens Energy
    • BASF (requested)
  • Panel + Impulse "70GW...can we make it?"
    • Orsted (requested)
    • Shell (requested)
    • EnBW (requested)
    • BP (requested)
  • Supply Chain Session
    • To be disclosed soon
  • Visionary Speech
    • To be disclosed soon


Peter Frohböse & Stefanie Gramm, DNV

Where: Ameron Hotel

When: 9 May 2023

Registration at the beginning of January 2023


Über Astrid Dose

Profilbild zu: Astrid Dose

Reden, schreiben und organisieren – und das mit viel Spaß! So sehen meine Tage beim EEHH-Cluster aus. Seit 2011 verantworte ich die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und das Marketing des Hamburger Branchennetzwerkes. Von Haus aus bin ich Historikerin und Anglistin, mit einem großen Faible für technische Themen.

von Astrid Dose