

Hydrogen cogeneration plant

Logo von: Hydrogen cogeneration plant

Status: In Betrieb
Business Gebäude/Wärme

Partners involved: Hansewerk / Errichtung eines Wasserstoff-BHKWs zusammen mit BHKW Hersteller INNIO Jenbacher

Installation: 01.01.2020

Address: Jürgen-Töpfer-Straße 1, 22763 Hamburg

In Hamburg-Bahrenfeld, HanseWerk Natur supplies 30 residential buildings, a sports centre and a day-care facility for children as well as the Othmarschen Park leisure centre with local heating via the converted combined heat and power plant. Each year, HanseWerk Natur supplies 13,000 megawatt hours of heat for this purpose. Nothing will change for the grid customers connected during the field test. Naturally, the security of supply is guaranteed.

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