

Production line for fuel cell systems in intralogistics equipment

Logo von: Production line for fuel cell systems in intralogistics equipment

Status: In Betrieb
Business Mobilität/Logistik

Promoter: Still GmbH

Installation: 10.11.2023

Address: Berzeliusstraße 5, 22113 Hamburg

On 12 November 2023 the production facility for 24-volt fuel cell systems at the STILL plant in Hamburg was officially opened. High-performance fuel cell systems for warehouse trucks are being serially produced here - from the manufacture of individual components in the mechatronics centre to the production of the fuel cell systems on the production line and the final quality check in a specially designed test bench. Particular attention is paid to the complex testing process to ensure that the system works properly, can withstand maximum pressure and that no gases can escape.

STILL has been involved in various projects and initiatives to develop hydrogen technology for many years and has gained extensive experience and expertise in the production and use of fuel cell systems. With the launch of its own production line, the company is now in a position to offer the first 24-volt warehouse trucks as fuel cell versions ex works.

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