Sustainable Energy Hub Hamburg initiative: Port of Hamburg set to become a sustainable energy location
At the inaugural event attended by numerous port companies, Senator Dr Melanie Leonhard and Friedrich Stuhrmann, Chief Commercial Officer of the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), launched the Sustainable Energy Hub Hamburg initiative.

At the inaugural event attended by numerous port companies, Senator Dr Melanie Leonhard and Friedrich Stuhrmann, Chief Commercial Officer of the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), launched the Sustainable Energy Hub Hamburg initiative. The partners are Mabanaft, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA), EVOS, Air Products, Green Ports Hamburg, Hamburg Energiewerke, Gasnetz Hamburg, Shell, Holborn, H&R Schindler, LOTHER GRUPPE, Energie Hub Moorburg GmbH and Hamburg Green Hydrogen Hub. The aims of the initiative are firstly to create closer links between the port companies and secondly to raise public awareness of the importance of the Port of Hamburg as an energy port.
As recently presented in the 2040 port development plan, the Port of Hamburg aims to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the energy transition and position itself as a future sustainable energy hub. Priority will therefore be given to companies that are active in the sustainable energy sector. The Sustainable Energy Hub will primarily be located in the port areas of Neuhof, Hohe Schaar, Moorburg and Harburg and consist of large-scale industrial and handling companies that are sufficiently far away from residential developments and have excellent network infrastructure (power, pipelines). The hub will be centred around the site of a former fuel depot at Hohe Schaar acquired by HPA, where storage, processing and refining will take place. Relevant suppliers, service providers and companies producing systems and technical equipment for sustainable energy sources will also be located there.
As a growth market, the handling, production, distribution and use of sustainable fuels and energy sources represent a major financial opportunity for the port. The Port of Hamburg already produces its own energy and will be able to expand this in future. In addition, importing energy sources is fundamental to Germany’s supply security. Hydrogen and hydrogen derivates, such as methanol, e-Fuels, etc. for Hamburg’s aircraft and maritime industries, will be introduced for the local and German market.
Senator Dr Melanie Leonhard: “By adopting the 2040 port development plan, the Senate has decided to take advantage of the opportunities and challenges provided by the energy transition and develop the Sustainable Energy Hub as a mainstay of the universal Port of Hamburg. The fact that so many companies are involved confirms that this is the right approach.”
Friedrich Stuhrmann, Chief Commercial Officer of HPA: “HPA will push ahead with the development of land in a core area of the Port of Hamburg for the handling, storage and processing of energy sources. We aim to support the transformation of companies located in the Port of Hamburg by providing suitable plots and spatially bundling future activities.”